Monday, January 7, 2008

USA Part II And the logan Act

Good Morning, I've decided to post daily market fundamentals from now on instead of weekly, Thats why your not seeing anything this morning.

Today i wanted to extend on my last post a bit.

Like the earlier post explaining two conspiracy theories. There are many many more out there talking about a group wanting to rule the world. And how bilderbergers created the EU etc etc. It seems like there are mixed emotions about the EU regarding its authority and long range plans. I've read on some sites claiming EU states have no independent criminal courts or Sovereignty. But, what they don't tell you is the EU isn't a federation. The EU has no authority to force states into the EU. Just recently Poland voted for the EU and Norway voted and the people declined membership. So that tells you that a true democracy still exists in the ideals of the EU. If it starts pulling back on trade agreements and choking non EU members, however, That is cause for concern.

The Simple fact is that a single world power and government isn't real plausible. Its been tried in the past and failed. Democracy or not. Countries and its peoples want one thing, Independence. Free trade is good. But not a single world entity.

People can claim that this bilderberg group wants to rule the world VIA its monetary system and energy supply. But, The beauty of a free market is, People don't have to buy that companies energy. People can open new companies. in a free market, the problem will fix itself. The same goes for the monetary system. If people don't want to use its money. They won't. They'll ask for a new money system and congress will make it. Citizens have the power to vote.

If these so called power elites really are planning on this whole rule the world philosophy. Boy do they have it coming. Talk about blinded by greed.

Now about the Logan act,

The Logan act basically prohibits government and non Government officials in negotiating with civilians to dictate policy both in the US and outside the US. So basically the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg meetings are clear violation of the Logan act. Each and every member of these groups could be charged with treason due to the fact that most of these policies go against the US constitution.

Personally I'm not worried about these problems, but, I am concerned. A true democracy will stop all this in its tracks. Like I've said before a single group cannot rule the world. its common socio economics. The economy is driven by the consumer. If the consumer don't want their product they'll look somewhere else. I'm not even gonna go toward military enforcement either. What person is gonna fight for a single group? Just to be spit on after they fought?

So don't be too worry about this problem. Be concerned, Vote for the right people who are for the USA and constitution. enact laws that prohibit lobbyist and strengthen the Logan act.


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