Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Emotion Trading


I want to blog here about emotion and trading. I think I might have blogged about emotion before, but this is from a different standpoint.

Emotion is the biggest factor in trading success. What I have noticed from personal and other poeples experiences is, is choosing the right broker to trade. Your probably wondering what im talkin about. Before you even get into a trade you obsess over the spread. Than by the time you get into the trade its over, and you end up chasing it, resulting in a loss.

I've personally done this. Im not going to name the broker. But after about 6 months of losses and asking myself whats going on. I started trading with an ECN broker along side the Market maker broker. What i found was crazy. 80%-90% of my trades were winning trades on my ecn, and 40% of my trades on the market maker was winning trades. I knew the problems i was having wasn't because of me. I always waited for longer candle sticks on the market maker broker. Because i could only afford big moves to make money. That also forced me to risk more during news announcements. It all ties into the broker. the Market maker caused my emotion, which caused me to lose trades

My suggestion to you is, Don't blame yourself if you always lose. Research and find the key root of the problem. You are always going to have bad trades in any market. But you can limit those bad trades by using good brokers and good money managment.

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